Become an effective & respected leader who can build a high-performing team...

in under two hours

Remember the last time your team was at its full potential and you felt inspired? πŸ’«

Managing a burned-out team is hard. And if people on your team drop the ball, others have to pick up the pieces. It is time-consuming and stressful to have to do other people’s work when they aren't delivering (or worse, screw something up). Navigating a work environment where you don’t feel supported (let alone appreciated) is demoralizing.  

And every failure to deliver or missed goal costs the company time and money.

Which of these apply to you?
  • You dread working with certain people and avoid them if you can. You never initiate conversations around sticky subjects because you fear how people will react. πŸƒ‍♀️
  • The toxic work environment is so stressful that you aren’t sure how much longer you can deal with this. You think about quitting your job and worry about what you will do if there is any more turnover on the team. πŸ₯΄
  • The reality of embracing the diversity on your team is so much harder than you realized. There is a huge difference between knowing we all bring something unique to the table and the reality of managing very different gifts and perspectives. πŸ§‘‍🀝‍πŸ§‘
  • You struggle to get motivated most days. It feels like it just isn’t worth voicing your concerns and worries because nothing ever seems to change. And you lack the energy or focus to know what to try next. 😩 
  • It is your first time managing a team and you feel in over your head, unsure where to start and noticing the imposter syndrome creeping in... πŸ™ˆ 
    You know there is untapped potential on the team, but you can’t see the root cause of the obstacles you face. 
  • Misunderstandings are an everyday occurrence. You feel like you are being clear, but you can’t seem to get on the same page. Others are dropping the ball and you end up having to pick up the pieces when things fall through the cracks. You often feel disrespected and notice that back-channel conversations are undermining the progress you thought you were making. 🀦‍♀️
You are not alone.

According to Gallup, 66% of workers report not feeling engaged at work. This means that only 33% of the workforce shows up every day with passion, purpose, presence, and energy. And the cost to your business of disengagement is real - most teams are 21% less profitable than they could be if they were highly engaged.

Here's the thing - it isn't your fault. Most people think it falls to managers to come up with a grand plan to reach the organizational goals and then tell their people what to do. That's often ineffective.

That's because this old-school model of leadership is inadequate for the current business environment. The authoritarian approach was developed during the industrial revolution when we were staffing assembly lines (and is borrowed from the military's command-and-control strategy). But the tasks teams are doing and the complex problems that we are solving require our people to be more than cogs in a corporate machine who take direction well. They require a higher level of creativity and innovation than ever before.

It isn't getting any easier, either...

Today, especially with virtual work arrangements becoming more common, it’s harder to muster up the energy required to focus, much less connect to coworkers in a meaningful way!

If you are like most of my clients before they reach out to me, you are probably tired of having the same conversations repeatedly. You are frustrated with the poor communication and persistent stress... wondering how long you can keep going before you need to try something else.

You might be longing for more fulfillment and stronger relationships with coworkers, but avoiding conversations because you don’t have the energy to initiate something that could turn into drama.

It just doesn't feel worth it…

A common mistake:

Most people think that to be more productive as a team, you have to implement a new process or software solution, hire someone new, tighten the reins and be more strict, fire difficult employees, or work harder to make it through the current crisis.

But the truth is, the real reason you can’t get better results is that you can’t see the hidden personality dynamics that are affecting your team’s performance.

If this doesn’t get solved, nothing you do is going to help. You’ll end up sinking a bunch of money on band-aid solutions or wasting energy trying to “manage” toxic team members.

Think about it - if you are only addressing behaviors on the surface and ignoring the underlying drivers of that behavior - how is a new goal, process, team member, or tech solution going to help you be more productive?

If anything, it is going to make it worse! You will spend a bunch more time and energy on this new solution and not address the root cause of your problem - the reasons people act out, withdraw, or push too hard in the first place.

Business needs are evolving quickly

Now more than ever, we are being called to perform in increasingly complex and rapidly changing business environments. Customers have higher expectations, technology is changing the way we communicate and build solutions, and the globalization of markets means that we can work with people across the globe. Organizations are being called to adapt and do more with less.

This means the stakes are even higher for teams. Performing at the highest levels is a must.

The reality is that the problems we face collectively require us to be able to work together with greater coordination, cooperation, and innovation. And continuing to do things the way they’ve always been done or believing that nothing will ever change makes you part of the problem. That is what holds you back from achieving the peace and motivation you are looking for.


You will feel ineffective because you can't seem to make lasting change.
Find ease and flow as a team by tapping into the unique gifts on your team (because you understand what makes each person special).

It is hard to be persuasive and build excitement for a new initiative.
Understand what motivates your team or what information people value and pay attention to.

You’ll continue to operate on the surface with new ways of doing something without ever addressing the root cause of the tension that continues to persist.
See the core fears that are getting triggered and causing someone to lash out in unproductive ways, so you can address those fears and disarm conflict.


And if you don’t figure this out, then unfortunately you run the risk of never reaching high performance as a team. You won’t be able to build the trust required to be innovative and take risks. Things will feel increasingly stressful at work. And over time, this is going to cause team members to shut down and do the bare minimum, burn out, or leave the team.

The cold hard truth:

If you don’t get clear on the underlying personality dynamics of your team, you will continue to feel exhausted and frustrated at work. No amount of team building or goal setting will move the needle.

According to the latest productivity research, teams underperform when members work around each other and not with each other - something that happens when the team climate is unsafe and the team activities are poorly aligned. (Mastrogiacomo and Osterwalder, 2021)

And the only way to create a safe climate is to clearly see the personality issues on your team and openly communicate about what is showing up.

Using the Enneagram personality system as a team is the fastest shortcut to improving communication and building the trust and camaraderie that characterize high-performing teams. It is the only system available that allows you to both understand human behavior and the underlying reasons why we act the way we do. (

  • It reveals the unconscious beliefs that shape our attention and the choices available to us.
  • It illuminates our greatest gifts (as well as how we might be getting in our own way).
  • And it gently reminds us that we can be more than we are today.

Doing this work together as a team will directly correlate to the bottom line. According to the Stanford Research Institute, 75% of long-term success in a job role comes from soft skills like communication, teamwork, or leadership, while 25% of success comes from hard skills or technical ability. Believe it or not, soft skills are what separate high performers from average ones.

Your team is only as good as the least healthy member of your team.  There is something magical that happens with good teams - where the collective is exponentially more powerful than individual contributions. And achieving this can be simple. You have to be willing to own your stuff and develop the skills to understand each other so you can anticipate needs and play to your strengths. When you continue to do this work, your success is inevitable.

Back-channel politics, resentment, avoiding difficult team members, over-functioning and doing other people’s work because you can’t afford to let them fail - these are all things that are robbing you of energy and making your work less efficient. You think it is helping - helping you get something off your chest, helping to avoid a confrontation that takes time and feels uncomfortable, or helping you reach your goals faster. But you are just spinning your wheels - or worse, kicking the can down the line leaving you with an even bigger problem to deal with later.


If you've ever had the thought that things could be better, keep reading. because that means you already have what it takes to help direct your team in a more positive direction.

You are exactly where you need to be. In this workshop, I’ll show you exactly how to do that - and it starts with understanding the underlying personality dynamics on your team.

I can't wait to welcome you into the workshop!
If you're ready to go from being a tired and ineffective manager to being an intuitive and empowering one, and are looking for a new tool...

I created the Enneagram for Teams workshop for you!

This workshop is my proven method to learn the Enneagram personality archetypes in under 2 hours so you can build rapport and trust on your team and avoid workplace drama.

ENNEAGRAM FOR TEAMS isn’t an overwhelming information dump
like other courses you’ve purchased (and possibly never completed).

It’s a 4-module exploration process that will change your team
from one with untapped potential to one that performs at the highest levels.

By the end of the program, you’ll…

  • See unconscious personality patterns that are common obstacles for teams - so you can quickly address the root cause of problems.
  • Learn to harness the diversity on your team by leaning into natural gifts and learning to balance energetic differences.
  • Learn how to navigate personality issues as they come up using a shared language so you can stop endlessly repeating the same conversations.
  • Understand why you do the things you do so you can own your contribution to situations and articulate your needs clearly.
  • Discover how to tap into your team’s natural motivation for change, instead of resorting to heavy-handed management techniques that may get compliance but suppress innovation or creativity.
  • Develop your authentic leadership style by exploring the style of leadership associated with each of the Enneagram personality archetypes, instead of trying to be something that doesn’t come naturally.
  • Build trust and rapport on your team because you know that you have each other’s backs.

No more struggling. No more worrying. No more wasting time.

The Curriculum
Let me show you what’s waiting for you inside the workshop once you become a member….

Getting perspective

Why is the Enneagram the right tool to unlock potential at work?

In module one, you’re going to learn:

  • The truth about investing in building soft skills as a team (and how it directly impacts your bottom line).
  • The secret to motivation and avoiding triggers with colleagues so you can grow faster.
  • How the Enneagram is different than other popular personality typing systems - and far more useful.
  • The single most important insight when it comes to dealing with conflict at work (hint: it isn’t as hard as you think, once you can name the hidden dynamics).

Illuminating the structure and design of the system

How can personality fall into 9 patterns?

In module two, you’re going to learn:

  • How personality develops in childhood so you can see how and why your default patterns formed in order to open up new choices available to you now.
  • How to read the Enneagram symbol so you can see the relationships between archetypes.
  • How to differentiate between your ego and your essential self so that you can listen to your intuition and take the actions that will actually get you the results that you want.

Exploring the 9 ways of being

What are the habitual patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting?

In module three, you’re going to learn:

  • The truth about the predictable ways humans fall asleep to the whole of who we are.
  • The secret to developing X-ray vision so you can understand your coworkers’ behavior and feel more connected and aligned.
  • Your unconscious core motivations (and the corresponding fears lurking just outside your awareness) so that you can eliminate stress and anxiety and make inner calm your new normal.
  • How to uncover deeper layers of yourself - so you can see both inherent talents and gifts and also how you might be getting in your own way.
  • How to identify the stories that keep you trapped in your current reality and stuck in a limited, problem-centric state. (Ready to step out of victimhood?)
  • The 9 different styles of leadership so that you can embrace what intuitively feels right to you and trust that you have what it takes.

Putting the Enneagram to use at work

How can I unlock potential and change from a deeper level that is more connected to my values?

In module four, you’re going to learn:

  • My favorite way to accurately find your Enneagram type in minutes - so you can save time and energy figuring out what applies to you and get to action applying the insights.
  • The best books for digging into this work so that you can accelerate your learning, understand your colleagues better, and get new tools for communicating more effectively.
  • The secret to understanding your team dynamics within this framework - highlighting collective strengths and predicting shortcomings or blindspots that might show up.
  • My proprietary 5-step process of growth and what to expect as you work with the Enneagram
You are probably wondering...

OK, how much is the investment?


Look, this isn’t going to be some overpriced, expensive $2k program that you have to pay off over the next few months or get budget approval from HR to attend.

It’s a small investment in yourself and your team that pays huge dividends in your future. One that will pay you back for the rest of your life by opening you up to deeper levels of self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

It’s a transformation that frees you from an employee mindset that results in burnout and keeps you stuck and helps you become an empowering leader on a high-performing team.

Unlike other online courses that overwhelm you with information and make you connect the dots on how to use the Enneagram at work, this program is designed to get you the information you need as efficiently as possible so you can put this to use right away.

It’s EXACTLY what I teach with my organizational development clients when they pay me up to $15,000 to run a workshop for them. My executive coaching clients pay me anywhere from $3-10,000 to work with me in a close, intimate setting. But you get access to the same information for a fraction of the cost.

And when you weigh all that against the investment and what it will do for you and your future, then it’s an easy choice.

But because I’m committed to making the ENNEAGRAM FOR TEAMS workshop as accessible as possible so anyone who wants to can use it to help uplevel their teams and reduce stress in the workplace…

Enneagram for Teams is usually just $497.
However, because you are reading this during a special promotional period, I’ve decided to take $200 off, for an investment of just $297.

That’s right! Until Monday at 11:55 pm PST, you can join us inside the ENNEAGRAM FOR TEAMS workshop 

for as little as $297 today.

Enroll in Enneagram for Teams today!
Choose the best plan for you...
  • Instant access to the recorded workshop (Valued at $497)
  • Instant access to the recorded workshop (Valued at $497)
  • Individual 45-minute coaching session (Valued at $400)
  • 30-day email support with Michelle (Valued at $497)

I’m confident that this introduction to the Enneagram system will provide everything you need to get started with the system and save you a ton of time trying to figure out how it all works.

But, if for any reason in the next 30 days you decide this isn’t for you, just email me and I’ll refund 100% of your money. Simple.

The best part is this: If you think there’s a slight chance this course could work for you, you should enroll today.

You can try the material and see if it is right for you over the next 30 days. No guesswork is needed. Use the material, and see for yourself how quickly you can learn about using the Enneagram archetypes.

If it works, you will be able to use the system to help you become more fully yourself and step out of those old patterns that are not serving you. This new perspective unlocks so much for my clients, so that’s why I’m happy to offer this risk-free 30-day guarantee.

It’s a no-brainer…
Seriously, if it doesn’t work for you, I don’t want to keep your money and will gladly help you find another solution that will work for you. Just send me an email after you finish the workshop, and I’ll issue a refund and point you in the right direction to meet your needs.

I’m willing to take on all the risk for my committed students who may be on the fence and are a little worried because they’ve been burned by course creators before but are willing to take a chance on me. To me, that risk is worth it.

It is more important to me to get this information into the hands of people who need it most than to guard this information so tightly and have you miss this because you are uncertain it’ll work for you.

And it is for that reason that you can join absolutely risk-free today.


You'll also get three exclusive bonuses



Free Enneagram test

You may be thinking, “But I don’t know my type!”

I got you. For a limited time, you can get access to the most accurate Enneagram test available. (No test gets it right 100% of the time, but this one comes close at 95%!)

This test is the best tool to shortcut personal development and I'll tell you why - it is very hard to evaluate yourself objectively. And because the Enneagram types are based on your motivations and not just behaviors, it is easy for people to mistype because they can't see themselves clearly. (Your brain is very good at hiding things you don't want to see from you.)

But it gets even better. When you complete the test, you’ll receive a personalized 23-page in-depth report designed to give you a deeper level of self-knowledge.

With this test, you will not only discover your core Enneagram personality type, but you also get customized insight into ​your subtype and tritype, dominant center of intelligence, current self-awareness or stress levels, and key strategies to use the lines of tension and release and your wings to hack your growth. In the course, I teach you what all of this means and how you can start to put these insights to use. 

Some people spend years thinking they are the wrong type, and this bonus is designed to help you save time and fast-track your growth. 

($60 value)

Cheatsheets to simplify core teachings

You may be thinking, “The Enneagram seems too complex, I don’t really have the time to dig into this right now.”

Not only did I design the workshop to be completed in under 2 hours, but I also made it easy for you to consume only what you need by creating a companion ebook that summarizes and illustrates key concepts and provides cheat sheets to help you use the Enneagram at work right away.

And think about it, can you really afford not to invest right now and just let things continue to stagnate?

The ebook contains an illustration of how the Enneagram personality system stacks up to others on the market, and why now is the right time to invest in this work. (This can help you make the case for deeper investments in building these skills over time if you need to pitch to a boss or HR.)

It also outlines key triggers for you and your coworkers so you can sidestep drama and be more strategic. You'll even find the one strategy you can use as a pattern interrupter to quick-start your personal growth journey.


($37 value)

Quarterly live training on using the Enneagram at work

You might be worried that a course like this is too basic for you…

This workshop is the gift that keeps on giving because you will also get access to bonus training to my community regularly. Over the next year, we will cover topics ranging from:

  • The social styles and three ways we try to get what we want.
  • The conflict styles and the three ways we react when things don’t go our way.
  • The centers of intelligence and the three ways we take in information from the world (and the blind spots that can result because of it).
  • The personal development plan laid out in the system for you to grow as a leader, but also how to use these insights to coach the people you work with.

And in addition to the live training, I provide resources that allow you to experience the Enneagram types at a deeper level. This includes a curated list of interviews, books, and documentaries featuring each of the archetypes. Hear people talk about their life experiences in their own words, and in the process better understand the motivations and nuances of the Enneagram types.

($997 value)
So, let's recap!

When you join the ENNEAGRAM FOR TEAMS workshop, you get instant access to 4 training modules with videos and exercises that transform your team from one with untapped potential to one that performs at the highest levels.
(Value: $497)

Plus you’ll get the companion ebook with cheatsheets and development exercises.
(Value: $37)

You’ll also get access to the quarterly live training workshops.
(Value: $1997)

And a free standard iEQ9 Enneagram test with 24-page report.
(Value: $60)


($2,591 to be exact)

Not to mention the savings to your business in increased productivity and the value of lowering your stress levels and achieving more balance in your life!

Now it’s time for you to make one of two choices…

The first choice is to choose to do nothing and ignore the problem. As you already know, if you choose nothing… then nothing changes.

You will continue to persist in burnout and stress at work, dealing with negative coworkers, and navigating a toxic work environment. This means you keep missing deadlines, feeling disrespected or unmotivated, and worrying that people won’t actually do what they said they would do.

BUT, if you already know that you want to achieve more balance while making a greater impact in the world, then your choice is obvious: Join me inside the ENNEAGRAM FOR TEAMS workshop and start your transformation to becoming the resilient and aligned leader you know you we meant to be.

So don’t waste another year dreaming about what could be. Join now and make your dreams a reality.


You’ll miss out on the chance to transform yourself, your team, and your life. Because this registration period won’t be open forever…

Membership in the ENNEAGRAM FOR TEAMS workshop is only open for a limited time! After the promotion ends, it’ll be quite some time until you have the chance to join again.


Have a pressing question you need answered before enrolling in ENNEAGRAM FOR TEAMS?
My student’s most common questions, answered:
Enroll in Enneagram for Teams today!
Choose the best plan for you...
  • Instant access to the recorded workshop (Valued at $497)
  • Companion ebook with cheatsheets and development exercises (Valued at $37)
  • Quarterly live training workshops (Valued at $1997)
  • Standard iEQ9 Enneagram test with 23-page personalized PDF report (Valued at $60)
  • Instant access to the recorded workshop (Valued at $497)
  • Companion ebook with cheatsheets and development exercises (Valued at $37)
  • Quarterly live training workshops (Valued at $1997)
  • Professional iEQ9 Enneagram test with 42-page personalized PDF report (Valued at $120)
  • Individual 45-minute coaching session to interpret test results (Valued at $400)
  • 30-day email support with Michelle (Valued at $497)

I'm Michelle.

I help teams better understand each other so they can communicate more effectively, improve collaboration and productivity, and feel more connected and fulfilled.

As an executive coach and organizational consultant, one of the main tools I use in my coaching process is the Enneagram personality system. I've studied with some of the greatest Enneagram teachers of our time and received certification through both the Integrative Enneagram and Ginger Lapid-Bogda's Enneagram in Business coaching programs.

I’ve come to believe that the Enneagram is a secret weapon that gives me x-ray vision into why people do the things they do. And this superpower means that I have shortcuts to help you unlock your potential in work, life, and relationships. And that is how you become the leader you are destined to be.

In graduate school, I studied with leaders in entrepreneurship, leadership development, sustainability, and social justice and earned a Master's of Business degree in creating Sustainable Systems.

And this training as well as my personal experience managing teams in high-tech allows me to draw on the latest business strategy, customer development, and organizational development to help make sure your team is operating at the highest levels.